News Module Updates

We have a nice little update to the News Module we'd like to tell you about.

Back Dating

First, to help people moving to Limited Run from other sites and services, we've added back dating support to posts. This way you can add all your old posts into the module, and still have everything appear in order. Honestly, we should have had that in there already, but alas, sometimes we forget stuff.

Exporting Posts

Next, we added support for exporting. Sometimes people outgrow our News Module, and we want to make it really easy to export all your posts. Hey, we're not jerks, which can be refreshing at times. Right?

Feed Reader Support

Lastly, we added support for RSS feed readers. Ever since Google announced they would be shutting down Google Reader, there's been a huge influx of new RSS feed readers launching (everything from our favorite, Feedbin, to free alternatives like Feedly, Digg Reader, and Aol Reader). These new services have really gotten a lot of people talking about the good old days, when RSS was king. So to keep with the old times, which are once again the new times, your news section will now automatically get a feed (just add ".atom" or ".xml" to the end of your news page's URL), and your store's news feed will now be auto-discoverable in most readers. This means if a fan drops your store's URL into their reader, it should automatically yank the feed and add it to their subscription list.

We have a lot of big things in the works, so keep your eyes on our blog and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with everything. And as always, thanks to everyone that's using and supporting Limited Run!