New Features & Pricing Updates

This year Limited Run will turn 15 years old. In those 15 years we've only changed our pricing once, 7 years ago. Unfortunately, due to rising infranstructure costs, we'll be change pricing again, starting June 10th.

Most importantly, the max will remain at $250. This means, no matter how much you sell in a month, you'll never pay us more than $250. Our percentage fee, however, will be raising to 10%.

When we raised prices 7 years ago, we also released new features and integrations. This time won't be any different. Our first new feature is something that every store has asked for: Fan Club Products.

With Fan Club Products, you'll be able to require a password for a product to be added to a cart, so you can launch early and give your most important fans first crack. Fan Club Products is available now and we'll be continuing to release new features over the coming months, so keep an eye out.

We're grateful for the past 15 years of support and are looking forward to the next 15. Thank you!

— Nick & Tom