A Few Custom HTML Updates

We just released a few updates that should prove useful for people using our Custom HTML features.

Custom HTML Pages in Your Theme's Layout

The first thing we did involves creating a Custom HTML page (Storefront > Pages > New > Custom HTML). Now you can choose to have it rendered inside your theme's layout, or with its own custom layout. This will make creating a page, that blends right in with your theme, a lot easier.

Adding Files to Themes

The second thing we did is give you the ability to add your own CSS, JavaScript, Snippet, and Config files to your theme. And you can also delete non-required theme files. This is almost a necessity when taking on massive store/site building projects like Topshelf Records did.

Importing & Exporting Themes

The third, and last, thing we did was give store owners the ability to Import and Export Themes. If you're a designer, and you have a base theme you like to use for all the stores you're working on, or if you like to design using your own text editor, this feature will make that possible. Also, since importing and exporting is so simple, anyone can use it to move already customized themes to their friend's store, or if you're a label, you can use your theme for one of your band's stores.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to message us!