Setting Usage Limits on Discounts

We just released a major update to our Discounts app. In the past, there was no way to limit the amount of times a discount could be used, but if you head into the app now, you'll see a new section that makes this possible!

This is a super powerful addition. Not only can you set up a discount like "10%OFF" and give the next 25 people access, but you can even make a single use discount, and then randomly generate the code you want to give out. This is ideal for giving that special someone in your life a discount. Awwww how cute! (Or maybe you just completely botched somebody's order, and you want to make nice-nice.)

Plus, if you combine this new feature, with the direct discount link generator, you can make the entire world's life, sooooooo much easier.

If you have any questions on how to use this feature, feel free to contact us!