Redesigned Cart & Checkout Overlays

We're known for our extremely fast and streamlined checkout, but it's been a challenge to get all our features to work, in such a small area, over the years. This is one of the reasons why we always had a horizontal cart. It gave us more room to fit features like Checkout Note and Discount Codes. But after we decided to add the Gift Card feature, we realized that the old cart needed to be reimagined. But we also knew that our checkout had serious brand recognition. No one does a cart like us. No one is as fast as us. No one is as no nonsense as us. Your customers know it when they see it, and they respect you more for choosing Limited Run, because it says you're concerned about their time and money. It's become almost like a status symbol, in the direct to fan world. And we really appreciate that.

So with that in mind, we came up with a new vertical cart, that not only fits all the features you could possibly install in your store, but also kept that classic LR style in place.

Here, our friends at Topshelf are using Discount Codes, Checkout Note, and our new Gift Card feature.

At Run For Cover, they don't use the Checkout Note. Probably because Tay was getting too many marriage proposals.

And In The Clouds doesn't use anything but Discount Codes. Why? We have no idea. But they better get on Gift Cards asap!

So there you have it. The new vertical cart, same as the old cart, just cooler.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Sales Summary by Variation Export

We recently added a really helpful export to our sales section. This one summarizes the sales you've received, by variation. For example, if you're a label, and you need to pay royalties on a variation level, you can now easily see how many of each variation you've sold. Plus, you'll know how much revenue you've received from the sale of each variation.

To enable this new export, go to the Sales area of your Dashboard, click the arrow attached to the Export CSV button, and then click Export Preferences.

Preventing & Dealing With Fraud

One of the toughest things we've had to do in recent months, is come up with a strategy to help stores prevent fraud, when using our Stripe integration. Why we're doing this, and not Stripe, will become clearer as the post goes on.

CVC Verification

The first, and simplest thing we do, is ask your customers to put the CVC code in when checking out. Stripe takes that code and matches it up with the credit card number. If the CVC check fails, Stripe should decline the purchase. The issue is they don't decline it by default. You, as the account holder, need to check the box in your dashboard to make sure this happens. To make sure you decline any card where the CC number doesn't match the CVC, go into your Stripe account, click your name in the top right hand corner, click Account Settings, then in general, scroll down to where you see "Decline: Charges that fail CVC verification". It's extremely unfortunate that this isn't on by default. It seems completely and totally logical to us that it should be on, but for some reason, Stripe doesn't think so, and we've asked them on multiple occasions. Update: Good news, everyone! For new Stripe customers, the default setting for this has now been reversed and will decline on a failed CVC. However, if you're already using Stripe, you should double check your settings there to ensure this is enabled.

Zip Code Verification

The next thing we've done, is add a zip code verification to the checkout. The billing zip or postal code associated with the card your customer is trying to use, must be entered, and verified. If it doesn't match the card, it gets declined. But again, this doesn't happen by default. So if you'd like the card to be declined if the billing zip code is wrong, check the box in your Stripe dashboard. If you don't want it to decline, leave it unchecked. Either way we're still asking for it on checkout.

Order Flagging Rules

While this isn't really preventative, since it's taking place after the purchase has already happened, we have a flow going here, and we don't want to screw that up. So, the last thing we'd like to tell you about is Flagging Rules.

With Flagging Rules, you can specify a multitude of rules by clicking the gear icon on the top left of your Sales area and then clicking "Manage Flagging Rules". When a new order breaks one of those rules, it will get highlighted red in your sales dashboard. Now, once again, this won't prevent an order, it will just alert you to an order that broke your rule, and allow you to research it. Then if you choose to refund them prior to fulfilling it, you can do that from your Stripe or PayPal dashboards.

Obviously this Flagging Rules feature can be used for other things, beyond fraud detection, but this is it's main responsibility, and focus. Maybe in the future we'll add other rules that will make it even more useful for different tasks, but for now, this is it's only purpose.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Introducing Gift Cards

We just released a beta version of our new Gift Cards feature. It's available to everyone right now, by going to the app store and installing "Gift Cards". This feature is extremely powerful, and if you plan on using it, you should read the help doc very thoroughly, before attempting.

Here's an overview, just to whet your appetite:

Product Gift Cards

The first and most common way to use this feature, is by creating a standard gift card. For example, you can put a $25 gift card up in your store, and customers can buy that card for $25, and they'll get an email with a gift card code. It works just like normal gift cards work, with some Limited Run style and flare, tossed in there.

We tell you how much is left on the card. Now that's nice. We also let you sell gift cards, for less than they're worth. Meaning, you could sell a $25 gift card, for $20. You can even do a name your own value gift card. So if a customer wanted to be super cool, they could choose to buy a $13.37 gift card.

The second way to use this feature is a percentage based gift card. O.o huh? That's right. You can create a card that gives the customer a percentage you specify, off their next purchase. You might be thinking, "Uhm, that sounds dangerous." Well it is. This is why we let you put a limit on the value of that percentage. For instance, you can give someone 50% off their next order, up to $10. So if they placed a $15 order, they'd get $7.50 off. But if they placed a $40 order, they'd only get $10 off. We also let you restrict them to certain categories, and the amount of items in the cart. The next thing you might be thinking is, "When the hell am I going to do that???" Here's where you need to use your imagination. A great example of how to use this feature, would be to bundle a percentage based discount, with another product. Oh by the way, you can bundle gift cards with other products! For instance, "Preorder the new BAND ALBUM, and get 5% off your next purchase!". Now that could be an exciting sale. The list of how to use this type of gift card is endless. But remember, this isn't a toy.

Private Gift Cards

The last way you can use gift cards is in private. This means you can create a gift card from the Apps > Gift Cards menu, and completely bypass the storefront by sending it directly to your customer. This comes in very handy when you want to reward a loyal customer or apologize for a delivery person.

Once again, please make sure you read the help doc. It explains all the ins and outs, of how this feature works. Also remember, this is a beta, so if you see something, say something. Thanks!

Read & Shipping Only Store Access

We just released a pretty awesome addition to our Multiple Managers feature. In the past, you could only add full access managers. But now, we've added two additional types for people with access:


This is the most limited access type. An Observer has read-only access to the entire dashboard and can perform exports from any area. But, they can't make any changes to the store. For instance, they can't go in and launch you're nicely setup preorder, a week ahead of schedule. That's nice.


A Shipper has read-only access to the entire dashboard, like an Observer, but they also have full access to the shipping related screens and features. So a Shipper can see your sales, print shipping documents, export from anywhere, mark orders as shipped, etc. This is great for that kid you hire to ship your stuff, while you chill on the couch and watch Twilight Zone reruns.

We hope this helps everyone manage their store easier. And as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to message us.